“When we take care of our teachers, we take care of our future.”
This said Quezon City 5th District Councilor Karlo Castelo who was elated with the good news about the pay increase teachers performing election-related functions will receive.
The Department of Education (DepEd) recently announced the pay increase of P3,000 for all teachers who will serve in the 2022 elections.
“Teachers do not only take care of the education of our children, they also protect the sanctity of the ballot,” said Castelo, who is serving his third and final term as councilor.
“Given this dual responsibility, we can really say that the future depends on them (our teachers),” added Castelo.

The Department of Education (DepEd) recently announced the pay increase of P3,000 for all teachers who will serve in the 2022 elections.
According to the DepEd, the Commission on Elections (Comelec) will also include in its budget proposal for the 2022 elections the provision of health insurance, transportation allowance, food and water allowance, and clean-up and repair/maintenance expenses.
“Hopefully, the government will also pay for COVID-19 related expenses for teacher-election workers like vaccine, testing, immune-boosting vitamins, among others,” concluded Castelo.
It is not yet known how the actual voting for the 2022 elections will look like, but teachers will definitely be part of the pandemic-adjusted election process.