The House of Representatives under the leadership approved on second reading three bills on enhancing Filipino skills and on tax amnesty.
These are following proposals:
1) House Bill (HB) 7744, seeking to enhance and amend Republic Act 10912, or the “Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Act of 2016”,
2) HB 7909, extending the coverage and period of availment of the Estate Tax Amnesty Program from June 14, 2023 to June 14, 2025, amending for the purpose RA 11213, as amended, also known as the “Tax Amnesty Act”, and
3) HB 7721, mandating the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) to design and implement technical-vocational education and training and livelihood programs, specifically for rehabilitated drug dependents.
Committee on Higher and Technical Education Chairperson and Baguio City Representative Mark Go explained that HB 7744 “aims to address the criticisms against, and the limitations and loopholes of the CPD Act,” such as exorbitant seminar fees, unnecessary difficult requirements, confusing processes, and lack of accredited training providers.
According to Go, HB 7744 focuses on enhancing the CPD of Filipino professionals as an integral component of career progression and specialization programs.
The bill shall require all professionals to obtain 45 CPD units every four years which shall be deemed as the compliance period.
“Under HB 7744, CPD will no longer be a mandatory requirement in the renewal of professional identification cards.”
The veteran legislator added however that under HB 7744, CPD will no longer be a mandatory requirement in the renewal of professional identification cards.
The bill also provides certain exemptions to newly-licensed or registered professionals, overseas Filipino workers (OFWs), as defined in the bill, and senior citizens who are not engaged in the practice of their profession.
The seasoned lawmaker mentioned that the proposed amendment to the CPD Act counts more than 108 legislators as authors and co-authors.
Also approved on second reading was HB 7909, extending the coverage and period of availment of the Estate Tax Amnesty from June 14, 2023 to June 14, 2025, amending for the purpose Republic Act No. 11213, as amended, also known as the “Tax Amnesty Act.”
Committee on Social Services and Nueva Ecija Representative Ria Vergara, who sponsored the bill, said the extension would allow more families to take advantage of the program to collate the properties of decedents, settle their outstanding estate taxes at affordable six percent flat rate, giving financial relief to families who are struggling in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The extension would allow more families to take advantage of the program giving financial relief to families who are struggling in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
The House also approved on second reading HB 7721, mandating the TESDA to design and implement technical-vocational education and training (TVET) and livelihood programs specifically for rehabilitated drug dependents and appropriate funds therefore.
The TESDA, in coordination with the Department of Labor and Employment, would institutionalize the provision of TVET and livelihood programs for rehabilitated drug dependents.
The programs would focus on their competitive and employable skills to further enhance their ability to find gainful employment and entrepreneurial livelihood opportunities.