In light of the devastating impact of the southwest monsoon enhanced by Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi), which brought relentless rain and severe flooding to Manila and deadly landslides to the northern Philippines, Quirino Governor Dax Cua, president of the Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP), called on local government units (LGUs) across […]
Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines president and Quirino governor Dax Cua urged his fellow local leaders to support the upcoming conduct of the 2024 Population Census and Community-Based Monitoring System (2024 POPCEN-CBMS) which begins July 15. “The 2024 POPCEN-CBMS is an important undertaking, and local government units should do their part in ensuring […]
Local government units (LGUs) are set to receive a greater share of funds for next year. With the upcoming increase, Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines president and Quirino governor Dax Cua reminded his fellow local leaders to ensure that these funds are spent on programs that would benefit their communities. Cua said that […]
Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP) president and Quirino governor Dax Cua hailed the signing by Pres. Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. of Republic Act 12001 or the Real Property Valuation and Assessment Reform Act (RPVARA). “With the signing of the Real Property Valuation and Assessment Reform Act we can finally update our obsolete property […]
Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP) president and Quirino Governor Dax Cua urged the government to “go all-out” in efforts to provide clean water to communities around the country to help prevent the outbreak of disease. This, as the Department of Health recently reported that 773 cholera cases have been recorded this year […]
Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP) president Dax Cua urged all local government units to start preparing for the onset of the southwest monsoon, even as many parts of the country are still experiencing drought at the tail-end of the El Niño phenomenon. “Preparedness is key to averting disasters. Torrential rains induced by […]
United Cities and Local Governments Asia Pacific (UCLG ASPAC) and ULAP President Governor Dax Cua called for greater urgency in creating safer and more sustainable cities in the Asia-Pacific region. The governor of Quirino made the call during the International Workshop on Building Smart and Resilient Cities and Communities in Asia and the Pacific held […]
Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP) president and Quirino Governor Dax Cua urged all local government units to comply with the requirement to craft a comprehensive land use plan and implement it to eliminate confusion as to which areas can be utilized. Doing so would help prevent instances similar to the ongoing Chocolate […]
Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP) president and Quirino Governor Dax Cua underscored the need for local government units to practice consistency, uniformity and predictability in implementing rules so as not to drive away potential investors. “We have to be consistent and uniform in implementing national and local rules so that we can […]
Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP) president and Quirino governor Dax Cua lauded a government program that aims to help the poorest municipalities in the country have access to clean and stable water supply. “We in ULAP have always emphasized the need to address people’s basic right to water, in line with our […]