Sports & Entertainment


STATS Technical Sportswear remains the official outfitter of the UP Men’s Basketball Team (MBT).

The subsidiary of Januarius Holdings Inc. (JHI) has been providing the Fighting Maroons’ game and practice jerseys since UAAP Season 80, and will continue to do so. At the same time, it has also served as sponsor for the MBT’s overseas training camps like the ones they just had in Serbia and Korea.

“It has been gratifying to see how the players are preparing for Season 87. We want to keep them battle-ready physically, mentally, and emotionally. That’s why we decided to also provide them with state-of-the-art equipment that will help manage and improve their performance and well-being,” said JHI chairman and CEO JJ Atencio, referring to JHI and STATS’ Vald performance equipment that will accurately assess athletes’ progress and performance leading to accurate, data-informed decisions.

Even more, starting in the oncoming Season 87, STATS is partnering with the UP Office for Athletics and Sports Development (OASD) to suit up many more State U varsity teams, ensuring that student-athletes will bring the #UPFight – truly – with honor, excellence, and service.

“First of all, we want to thank JJ for continuing to believe in our basketball program and for supporting the Fighting Maroons all these years. Now, he has even extended his support to other UP varsity teams,” said UP OASD Dir. Bo Perasol.

“We have seen how big the impact is on our players and teams to have the backing of sponsors like JJ and the support of the community. Our teams will be so proud to wear those uniforms and represent the university in the UAAP and other tournaments.”

UP OASD and JHI sealed the deal on their renewed partnership on Friday at the Executive House inside the Diliman campus. Also gracing the signing were UP President Atty. Angelo “Jijil” Jimenez, nowheretogobutUP chairman Jed Eva and MBT manager Atty. Agaton Uvero.



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