

Christmas is a time to rejoice and give our thanks to the many blessings we continue to receive despite the health crisis. It’s undeniable how the pandemic shifted our lives. It made us remember the things forgotten. It also humbled us and taught us to be more appreciative and grateful for the things we still enjoy to this day. This year has been challenging for so many of us. If there is one thing, we should never forget to be thankful for the littlest of things.

Last week, many parts of the country were gravely hit by Typhoon Odette. Many lost their homes, and some are still unaccounted for. To see many of our fellow Filipinos experience this kind of hardship while fearing to get sick due to the virus is indeed unbearable. Christmas is the time of the year when we can all let loose and afford some smiles. For many of us, doing so will be a challenge.

But it shouldn’t be

Photo by Ricardo Esquivel from Pexels

To whom much is given, much is required. If you can afford to celebrate and enjoy the season, it is your duty to do so as much as you can. But if you can find some time to offer a prayer to those who can’t, it’s the least you could do. A prayer can go a long way, and it can uplift the hearts and souls of those who need it. For others, prayer could be the best gift you could offer to someone.    

We all deserve to have some time to breathe, smile and enjoy the season. But while we are doing so, let’s remember our brothers and sisters who remain to experience fear and uncertainty. When you can, reach out and extend help. After all, shouldn’t Christmas be the season for giving and sharing?

What better way to highlight this season than extending our happiness and a little bit of comfort with others? We are all tired, and some of us are starting to feel defeated. Let us make each other know that we are not alone. Let us bring out the spirit of Christmas and give them reasons to smile again. Yesterday and today may have been very tiring, but tomorrow still holds a promise that the sun will shine. Soon we’ll all get better.



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