In celebration of National Women’s Month, employees of the Provincial Government of Samar joined the Purple Fridays Campaign, where everyone is encouraged to wear anything purple all throughout the Fridays of March.
Coincidentally, March 8, International Women’s Day, fell on a Friday, thus, a fitting day to wear purple, as well.
“Happy International Women’s Day to all Samareñas and to women all over the world!” Governor Sharee Ann Tan said during the celebration.
“In this modern world, the role of women in society is ever changing and evolving, but we must remain responsible for shaping the values in our communities.”
“Let us take pride in our valuable role as the heart and light of every home. In this modern world, the role of women in society is ever changing and evolving, but we must remain responsible for shaping the values in our communities,” Tan said.
“May our light always bring warmth to those around us, and may we continue to inspire grace wherever we go.”
“May our light always bring warmth to those around us, and may we continue to inspire grace wherever we go,” the lady governor added.
Aside from the Purple Fridays campaign, the Purple Your Icon Advocacy is likewise encouraged.
The initiative urges everyone to light up or decorate their offices, landmarks, and places in purple, in the hopes of promoting interest in women empowerment.
With this, the Province of Samar has switched the static lights of the San Juanico Bridge to purple all through out the Month of March.
On the other hand, the 15-minute dynamic light show will still continue on its scheduled time slot, every Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays at 7PM, 8PM, and 9PM.
Moreover, in celebration of International Women’s Day, a Zumba fun dance was conducted after the Friday flag-retreat, to promote health and wellness among employees.