Moisturizers are part of almost all skincare regimen. This ensures that the skin has enough moisture to give it thecapacity to heal itself. Generally, skin care doesn’t have a lot of medical and scientific research backing. But as a society, we have been using moisturizers for a long time.
According to research, our prehistoric ancestors didn’t shower daily. It wasn’t a necessary habit at the time. It can be assumed that they weren’t exposed to the products that we use today. Most modern products strips our skin of the natural oils that our body produces. It’s completely possible that they used animal or plant-based fat to keep their skin from chapping during intense weather. However, the first real evidence of moisturizer recipes dates back to the first known civilization, the ancient Sumerians.
As they shifted to putting importance to how we smell, our hygiene habits have also changed. To be able to replicate the function of our natural oils, they developed formulas to help trap the water within our skin. They used components from pulverized plants, tree oils, and mixed with wine.
Same with the history of makeup, a lot of skin care regimen breakthroughs came from the time of Cleopatra. They were the ones who used milk in their baths and moisturizers, especially sour milk. This practice was meant to improve the look and texture of her skin, reduce wrinkles, and preserve its whiteness. Her mask recipe was said to be a mixture of sour cream, honey, clay and lemon juice or vinegar.
Other civilizations had different recipes and habits. There were the Greeks with creams and lotions made out of plant oils and spices, sometimes with crushed berries added to the mix. Crushed bread mixed with milk was also one of the masks that they used.
The Romans took a different route with their recipe of ground tin (a precious metal that added tint to the cream), potato starch, and animal fat.
Moisturizes have gone through a lot of different experiments and mixes. This is why there are different kinds of formulas (with natural and synthetic ingredients) that exist in the market today. Ultimately, they all do what they’re supposed to do – trap and lock moisture into the skin. But the higher quality moisturizer ensures that there are no harmful ingredients to your skin, and that you get the best results possible.