Quezon City Representative Marvin Rillo has filed a bill seeking to grant the research, extension, and professional staff (REPS) of the University of the Philippines (UP) their own seat in the system’s governing board of regents (BOR).
“Our measure, once enacted, will make UP more democratic. It will ensure that every sector in the system enjoys a distinct voice and vote in the BOR,” Rillo said.
“It will also further boost UP’s institutional research capabilities.”
“It will also further boost UP’s institutional research capabilities,” the legislator added.
The lawmaker is vice chairperson of the House committee on higher and technical education. UP’s flagship campus in Diliman, Quezon City is also in his congressional district.
As proposed by Rillo in House Bill No. 7821, the single seat that REPS and administrative staff currently share in the BOR would be split into two.
REPS and the administrative personnel would each have their own sectoral representative, chosen by them, in the BOR.
His bill seeks to amend Republic Act No. 9500 – the UP Charter of 2008.
The UP system’s 12-member BOR is currently composed of the Commission on Higher Education head; the UP president; the heads of the Senate and House committees overseeing higher education; one regent each from alumni, faculty, and students; one regent from REPS and administrative staff; three regents appointed by Malacañang; and the UP secretary.
The UP system has eight constituent universities spread over 20 campuses nationwide.
The UP system has eight constituent universities spread over 20 campuses nationwide.
It has 64,144 degree-seeking students and 2,757 basic education students; 7,105 faculty members; 8,948 administrative staff; and 1,443 REPS.
The system has a budget of P24.8 billion in the 2024 General Appropriations Law, including P4.9 billion for hospital services.
UP also runs the Philippine General Hospital in Manila, among other healthcare facilities.
The system also has five future campuses under construction or in the final planning stages.
These are the Vista City campus in Alabang, Muntinlupa City; the UP Visayas extension campus in Barangay Sta. Elena, Tacloban City; the New Clark City campus in Capas, Tarlac; the Panabo City campus in Davao del Norte; and the UP Visayas extension campus in Pandan, Antique.