The Quezon City government has designated Energy Conservation Officers (ECOs) to promote energy and fuel efficiency and conservation.
Mayor Joy Belmonte issued Executive Order No. 15 Series of 2023, assigning the Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Department (CCESD), the City Planning and Development Department (CPDD), and the City General Services Department (CGSD) as ECOs.
The move was in compliance with Republic Act 11285 or the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act and to support the local government’s goal of achieving its Enhanced Local Climate Change Action Plan from 2021 to 2050.
“Aside from RA 11285’s goal of enabling local government units to reduce monthly electricity and fuel consumption by at least 10%, the formation of the ECOs can help us realize our target of lessening greenhouse gas emissions as laid out in Quezon City’s Climate Change Action Plan,” Belmonte said.
“Among the duties and responsibilities of ECOs is to issue memoranda and guidelines on energy and fuel efficiency and conservation.”
The lady mayor said among the duties and responsibilities of ECOs are to ensure compliance with RA 11285, lead the preparation, implementation, updating, and monitoring of the City’s Local Energy Efficiency and Conservation Plan (LEECP), issue memoranda and guidelines on energy and fuel efficiency and conservation, and organize meetings, workshops, and seminars regarding the implementation and promotion of energy and fuel conservation.
“The ECOs are also tasked to develop a system for consolidation of required data and implementation to ensure timely preparation and submission of accomplished monthly electricity and fuel consumption reports (MECR and MFCR) and other reportorial documents,” Belmonte said.
The Executive Order also mandates the creation of an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Technical Working Group (EE&C TWG) to assist the ECOs in the performance of their duties and responsibilities.
“The TWG will also provide the necessary data and information in compliance with the EE&C Act, the EE&C IRR, and all energy efficiency and conservation issuances,” she said.
It will be composed of CCESD, CPDD, and CGSD as lead and the Office of the City Administrator (OCA), Department of the Building Official (DBO), City Architect Department (CAD), City Engineering Department (CED), and Task Force Streetlights as members.
“Each department will designate one permanent and one alternate officer to attend to all matters related to the TWG.”
Each department will designate one permanent and one alternate officer to attend to all matters related to the TWG, Belmonte said.
All city departments and offices have been ordered to submit the names of their respective EE&C Focal Persons to the CCESD within 15 days following the effectiveness of the Executive Order.