The Philippine Red Cross has reported that blood donations have fallen by 29% in 2020. Today we continue to have a shortage of supply due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
At the start of a new year, UP Pre-Medical Society and UP Red Cross Youth have come together to hold their first blood donation drive of 2023 at the University of the Philippines. Diliman. KAPATID, A Blood Donation Drive, is a one-day event that aims to encourage and provide an opportunity to donate to would-be blood donors. All donated blood will go to our partner blood bank at the Philippine Red Cross. Help us save lives and join UP PMS and UP RCY as we come together to help our fellow Filipinos.

When: January 14, 2023 – Saturday
Time: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Where: UP Film Center, Film Institute at the University of the Philippines, Diliman
Who can donate?
A potential blood donor must:
- Be 16-60 years old (donors who are 16-17 years old must have a parental consent form)
- Weigh at least 110 lbs or 50 kg
- Have normal blood pressure, respiratory rate, and pulse rate on the day of donation
Donating blood can be scary. However, it’s completely safe and properly done with our partner medical personnel from Philippine Red Cross. Approximately 1 pint of blood would be collected depending on your weight. You may feel a slight sting at first but the donation process itself should be painless. The donation process can take about an hour which includes registration, taking your vitals, 5 to 10 minutes of the actual procedure, and finally a time for rest, snacks and beverages afterward.

With the help of you, our donors, we can help patients with leukemia, and hemophilia, those suffering from blood loss, and many more fellow Filipinos in need of blood. Sign up today to donate blood and help save lives this 2023!
Learn more about the event and stay tuned for more updates and information on our Facebook page.
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