The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) has removed the “window hours” for the Unified Vehicular Volume Reduction Program (UVVRP) or the “number coding” scheme in all major thoroughfares and Mabuhay Lane routes in Metro Manila.
This after the MMDA’s policy-making body, Metro Manila Council (MMC), has agreed to standardize the enforcement of the “no window hours” scheme on national roads and roads listed as Mabuhay Lanes following its recent meeting. Composing the MMC are the 17 mayors of Metro Manila.
The MMC has agreed to standardize the enforcement of the “no window hours” scheme.
“MMDA traffic enforcers will apprehend violators on national roads while counterpart traffic enforcers of local government units will do the apprehension in their jurisdiction,” MMDA General Manager Jojo Garcia said.
The apprehension of violators is effective immediately upon the approval of the resolution by the MMC.
Meanwhile, the MMC will also amend the existing number coding schemes and traffic codes now being implemented in the respective jurisdictions of the 17 local government units of Metro Manila.
The UVVRP is enforced during weekdays from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on major thoroughfares in Metro Manila, including Edsa.
Under the scheme, vehicles are banned from the Metro’s major roads on a certain day of the week depending on the last digit of their license plates or conduction stickers. “Coded” vehicles cannot traverse major thoroughfares and Mabuhay lanes between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Meanwhile, the MMDA said it is set to implement a 60 kilometers per hour (kph) speed limit in major roads at Metro Manila following its approval by the MMC.
“This 60 kilometers is basically on lean hours if there is no traffic to reduce the speed and avoid accidents,” MMDA traffic chief Bong Nebrija said.
“This 60 kilometers is basically on lean hours to reduce the speed and avoid accidents.”
Metro Manila mayors have yet to sign the resolution approving the speed limit in the metropolis as publication in a major newspaper is first needed before its implementation.
MMDA traffic enforcers armed with “speed guns” will start apprehending speeding motorists once the policy is implemented, Nebrija said.