

The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) once again obtained an unqualified opinion from the Commission on Audit (COA), marking five straight years that the agency has achieved positive audit findings.

MMDA Acting Chairman Atty. Don Artes expressed his gratitude to COA for the latest highest audit rating for fiscal year 2023, highlighting the agency’s efforts in implementing reforms on its budgetary process, expenditures, and monetary reporting while continuously improving its quality services.

“We, at MMDA, are immensely grateful to the COA for acknowledging the agency’s enacted reforms.”

“We, at MMDA, are immensely grateful to the COA for acknowledging the agency’s enacted reforms. We are proud of the five-year streak of unqualified opinions we have received.This audit assessment serves as tangible evidence of the MMDA’s forthright administration in financial performance,” Artes stated.

“This audit assessment serves as tangible evidence of the MMDA’s forthright administration in financial performance.”

“I would also like to express my gratitude to the MMDA officials and employees for their diligent efforts in ensuring the efficient implementation of the agency’s services for the public’s benefit,” the MMDA chief added.

A copy of the Independent Auditor’s Report transmitted by the COA to MMDA cited, “in our opinion, the accompanying financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the MMDA as of December 31, 2023, and its financial performance, changes in net assets/equity, cash flows, and the comparison of budget and actual amounts for the year then ended in accordance with International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs).”

“We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion,” the report added.

To sustain its consistency in providing efficient services, the agency continues to push for projects, such as the MMDA Communications and Command Center (CCC), the Motorcycle Riding Academy, and the implementation of the Single Ticketing System aligned with the Metro Manila Traffic Code.

The MMDA assures the public that the agency will continue implementing necessary projects and programs pursuant to its mandates and functions toward the overall development of Metro Manila.



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