The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) will recommend to President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. the 7am to 4pm working hours for national government agencies (NGAs) to cushion the impact of traffic in light of the impending rehabilitation of EDSA.
A survey was conducted on the implementation of the 7am-4pm working hours schedule where the agency noted a positive effect on the traffic flow from the implementation of the said working hours schedule among local government units (LGUs).
“Adopting the schedule will bring faster travel time during peak hours in Metro Manila’s major thoroughfares, as well as decrease in traffic delays.”
The report stated that adopting the schedule will bring faster travel time during peak hours in Metro Manila’s major thoroughfares, as well as decrease in traffic delays.
NGA employees using private vehicles during peak hours will be distributed by 37.15% of the 473,533 employees. This rate is equivalent to an estimate of 175,918 employees.
Further, 47.20% of the total number of NGA employees, or an estimate of 223,508 employees using public transport will avoid joining rush hour alongside private sector employees.
With registered improvement on the traffic flow, MMDA Chairman Atty. Don Artes will thus submit a report and recommendation to the Office of the President after getting consensus from the Metro Manila LGUs on their experiences with the modified working hours.
“We’ll get first the consensus of the mayors. We’ll coordinate with them and ask them what their preference is so that the data we’ll be submitting to the President is complete and the recommendations will be in line with various experiences of each of the LGUs,” Artes said in a press briefing after the Metro Manila Council (MMC) meeting.
“We are eyeing to finish the recommendation on the 7am-4pm work schedule before March, the target date of the start of the EDSA rehabilitation.”
The MMDA chief is eyeing to finish the recommendation on the 7am-4pm work schedule before March, which is the target date of the start of the EDSA rehabilitation.
San Juan City Mayor and MMC President Francis Zamora, as well as Pasay City mayor Emi Calixto-Rubiano both expressed their support for the 7am-4pm work schedule, citing its positive effects on traffic.