Passion manifests in many ways and many forms. We often hear people describe it as the strong urge towards something. You live with it; you breathe it. But unlike other things that exude enthusiasm and desirousness, passion is not an emotional chameleon. When you find something to be passionate about, it sticks with you for as long as it could, if not for a lifetime. It never changes despite the highs and lows of life. It endures even when the going gets tough, and ultimately, it becomes a driving force towards self-discovery.
But passion is not everything. Many of us misunderstand the very concept of having one. In a developing country like ours, having one is sometimes hard to come by. Many Filipinos would feel lost or not doing anything in life because they feel and think that they do not have something they can call passion.
In various aspects of life, this thinking will earn valid points, but it isn’t enough indicator to gauge how one’s life should be measured—if there ever is some universal metrics to assess one’s life. One thing remains, however; having passion can add more meaning to where we put our energy and efforts. It solidifies our long list of answers to the question, “why are you doing what you are doing?”
Finding and having passion is one thing; doing something about it is another.

I guess, by now, we have already established that passion is a truly powerful integrant of life. But when you find one, the only time it would matter is when you start finding answers to tough questions: How would you do it? What do you need to do to keep it burning? What if I fail? What if I can’t do it?
The questions above are just some of the many we should ask ourselves when realizing our passion. We need to remember what passion feels like to us to answer them. We stick to our core to identify the next steps we’ll take. Of course, when we take action, we should do so by keeping our values intact. Losing them may deem our efforts meaningless. After all, what’s the point of doing what you are passionate about when you will lose your values along the process? Does it make you less of a person? Maybe not; it simply defeats the purpose of having the drive to exercise the values you already have if you’re going to lose them along the way.
How can you make ‘living your passion’ enough?

You can’t. Living one’s passion is not a one-way ticket to success or in life. It’s like having fuel without a car. Sure, you do have it. But without the engine to use it for, it’s useless. If you put it in the context of living, your passion is simply a component that completes your life, but it’s never your life entirely. Is it bad that we have none, then? Definitely not. It may just mean that we are not challenging our lives enough for the better.
When you choose to live your passion, commit to it. Create a process to ensure your actions will align with your values. If they are not, maybe you need to recalibrate your life and take the time to understand what passion means to you. Should you follow your passion even when the actions you need to take are against your values? Remember that your values are your barometer of what’s right and wrong. How you answer that question is a life choice.
Now, we are not suggesting you should ditch your passion entirely. Like anything in life, positioning things in the right lane is necessary. You are the commander-in-chief of your life. How you want to live your life is within your discretion. Let your values become your arms and legs and your passion the driving force behind them. When you position your passion the right way, no matter how challenging a task is, you will continue to do it anyway because you know you are on the right track. No one can tell you where the right track is, but your values can. Just remember, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Sometimes, losing your passion is better than losing yourself.
Find your passion and be courageous about it. Be open to changes without losing your values.