House of Representatives Minority Leader Nonoy Libanan wants the national government to spearhead the creation of a secure patient information sharing system that he said “would go a long way in improving health outcomes”.
“There’s no question that a patient information sharing system among healthcare providers can lead to faster diagnosis and treatment, especially in emergency cases, and lessen the hazard of life-threatening medical errors,” Libanan said.
“We would urge the Department of Health to start putting up the system, along with adequate privacy safeguards,” said the 4Ps party-list representative.
We would urge the Department of Health to start putting up the system, along with adequate privacy safeguards.”
Though a lawyer by profession, the legislator also holds a bachelor’s degree in medical technology, which involves the study of science applications to diagnose, treat, and prevent health problems.
“We are now living in a world of greater people mobility. Individuals can have a sudden medical emergency anywhere, and yet their digital or physical medical records are somewhere else,” the lawmaker pointed out.
“Medical practitioners of that hospital should be able to quickly access that individual’s health history through a system.”
“Anybody can have a heart attack or figure in a road crash at any time, and get rushed to the nearest hospital for treatment. Medical practitioners of that hospital should be able to quickly access that individual’s health history through a system,” he added.
Libanan allayed fears of potential data privacy violations, saying the law already allows the processing of restricted personal details for medical action.
He cited Chapter 3, Section 13 (e) of the Data Privacy Law of 2012, or Republic Act No. 10173.
The specific provision stipulates that sensitive personal information may be processed when necessary for purposes of medical treatment, and when carried out by a medical practitioner or a medical treatment institution.
“The law merely underscores the need for the privileged information to be effectively protected at all times against unwanted privacy intrusions,” Libanan said.
All told, he said a patient information sharing mechanism “can bring about a very efficient and highly responsive healthcare system for all”.