House Committee on Human Rights Chair and Manila 6th District Representative Benny Abante Jr. appealed for calm and composure amid the heated national discussion about confidential funds as he urged the nation’s leaders to instead focus on the welfare of the Filipino people.
“It is always preferable and always more productive to dial up dialogue and dial down divisive rhetoric when we deliberate on the issues that concern our people,” Abante said.
The veteran legislator said that his experience in Congress has taught him that “it is possible to disagree without being disagreeable”.
The seasoned lawmaker pointed out that “naturally, we leaders can be passionate about our advocacies and can be very resolute in our positions”.
“Even in our most intense debates there should always be room for comity and collegiality.”
“But even in our most intense debates there should always be room for comity and collegiality,” he stressed.

In the ongoing national conversation about confidential funds, Abante said, all voices deserve to be heard and respected, but at the end of the day Congress must act as one to uphold the interests of its constituents.
“Our foremost duty as public servants is to the Filipino people, and it is incumbent upon us to rise above personal and political divides to prioritize their welfare and the nation’s advancement.”
“Our foremost duty as public servants is to the Filipino people, and it is incumbent upon us to rise above personal and political divides to prioritize their welfare and the nation’s advancement,” he added.
The House of Representatives has recently aligned some P1.23 billion in confidential funds, a bulk of which was from the vice president’s two offices: the Office of the Vice President (P500 million) and the Department of Education (DepEd).
The beneficiaries of the House realignment of the P1.3 billion confidential funds include the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (P300 million); National Security Council (P100 million); and Philippine Coast Guard (P200 million).