Health Secretary Teodoro Herbosa led the participation of the Department of Health (DOH) to the Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill held at the DOH Central Office in Sta. Cruz, Manila.
During the event, Herbosa emphasized the pivotal role that the DOH plays in disaster and risk management and recognized the Department’s collaborative efforts with the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) in proactively responding to the emergency needs of Filipinos.
“The Nationwide Earthquake Drill is especially important, because it raises awareness among Filipinos about proper earthquake preparedness and response.”
“The Nationwide Earthquake Drill is especially important, because it raises awareness among Filipinos about proper earthquake preparedness and response,” the health chief said.
He recognized the DOH Health Emergency Management Bureau led by Director Bernadette Velasco, and acknowledged how HEMB functions as the country’s Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in Health Office.
“This provides us with the opportunity to learn how to work with each other, especially in times of natural disasters.”
“This provides us with the opportunity to learn how to work with each other, especially in times of natural disasters,” the health head added.
Herbosa also highlighted his experience as an Emergency Doctor and his responsibility of making swift decisions for his patients, which helps save lives.
“I am a disaster doctor. Where there’s chaos, there I go, and I fix it. I will be the doctor who will make the right decision,” he concluded.