The gut is the most neglected and least appreciated organ in the body. However, the fact that gut health is an important basis for good health is now widely recognized. In fact, one of the best means of improving your general well-being and immunity is through the guts.
Our habits and lifestyles can seriously harm our gut microbiome. Many of us have bad habits. We are exposed to too much stress, and consumption of processed and sugar-processed meals. We also lack good rest and sleep, and we have dependency on medication and antibiotics. Unaddressed, this may affect other aspects of our health. This includes a weaker immune system, extreme weight gain or loss, unstable hormonal level, even development of cancer.
How to know if you have an unhealthy gut
An unhealthy gut has trouble processing food and waste, and can cause stomach disturbances, including bloating, heartburn, food intolerance, gas, constipation and diarrhea. It may also impede the capacity of your body to absorb nutrients, regulate blood sugar and retain fat. This might lead to loss of weight or increase in weight.
Since the majority of the body’s serotonin is produced in the gut an unhealthy gut may contribute to sleep disturbances. Serotonin is a hormone that affects mood and sleep. A bad intestine can promote systemic swelling and change the immune system’s appropriate functioning.
How to get and maintain a healthy gut
You can do a couple of things to care for the microbiome in your gut. Increasing your water intake and making sure that you maintain a high fiber diet will really help improve your gut’s health. Microbiomes can also be disturbed by psychological stress and sleep deprivation. It’s important to be aware of your body and make sure you get enough rest. Adding probiotics to your regular diet can help support your healthy gut.