The Enterprise-Based Education and Training Framework (EBET) Act that will institutionalize and strengthen apprenticeship programs in the country will pave the way for the development of more Filipinos into highly-skilled and globally-competitive workers.
Senate President Chiz Escudero said the (EBET) Act, signed into law on November 7, is a key step toward “bridging the gap between education and industry, and preparing the Filipino workforce to meet the demands of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”.
“The EBET Act is a key step toward bridging the gap between education and industry, and preparing the Filipino workforce to meet the demands of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”
A priority measure of the administration, the EBET seeks to address the persistent issue of jobs-skills mismatch that has served as a barrier for many Filipinos to secure employment or better-paying jobs.
With the EBET, employers will be provided with incentives to encourage them to offer apprenticeship programs for low to mid-level and higher-level skills for new entrants to the labor force.
Employees who want to engage in upskilling to support career progression will also be covered by the EBET.
“The requirements of enterprises are constantly changing so jobseekers and employees alike must adapt to survive.”
“With a rapidly-evolving labor market, one cannot afford to remain stagnant. The requirements of enterprises are constantly changing so jobseekers and employees alike must adapt to survive,” Escudero said.
Filed as Senate Bill No. SBN 2587, the EBET was authored by Senator Joel Villanueva, who sponsored the bill as head of the subcommittee on enterprise-based education and training to employment act.
Escudero was the chair of the committee on higher, technical and vocational education, the mother committee of the subcommittee headed by Villanueva.
By developing and strengthening the knowledge and skills of individuals, the veteran legislator said it will be easier for them to secure jobs that will be more fulfilling and meaningful and will also enhance their opportunities for career advancement.
Under the law, the duration of the EBET program shall not exceed three years. EBET trainees will receive allowances to cover for transportation, meals or any other expense that may be agreed upon by the employer and trainee.
Successful candidates who demonstrate competence for the full or partial qualifications shall be awarded a National Certification or a Certificate of Competency.
Incentives will be provided to the participating enterprises, including an additional deduction from their taxable income equivalent to 50% of actual training expenses. This shall go up to 75% in 2028.
An EBET one-stop shop or online portal will be established to facilitate the effective, efficient and more accessible availment of the incentives provided under the law.