Role-playing games, or RPGs, are interactive and collaborative games. Players of RPGs create or choose their own characters and play that role throughout the game. The players, then, move around the fictional setting based on the rules or guidelines of the game.
There are also different kinds of Role-playing games.
There are video games, table-top games, live-action role-playing games, and online multiplayer games. With online and video games, there’s usually a set path to the game that is embedded in the narrative. This is done usually through quests and interactable locations, items, and non-player characters. In table-top and live-action role-playing, the experience relies on the imagination, acting, and improvisation skills of the players.
Some of the most popular digital role-playing games include World of Warcraft, Runescape, and Final Fantasy. In a lot of these, the player only selects from premade characters that they want to play. The character’s personalities, dialogue, and who they interact with, are usually already part of the base game.
Dungeons & Dragons
For Dungeons & Dragons, this is not the case. D&D is probably one of the best-known and widely played table-top role-playing games. It gives the players complete freedom on their character and where the narrative pushes through. The core of D&D is the story, one that is developed by the players through the world and plot arc that the Dungeon Master (DM) has developed.
The DM’s serve as both referee and storyteller and the rest of the group are players with characters that live within that world. It’s their goal to team up with each other and explore the world, engage in battles, choose sides, and clear the dungeon.
Using the guides and rules of D&D world-building, the players use dice to check if they succeed or fail an action or a task. Sometimes, the DM has a say on what they would allow based on how the action (and conclusion of the action) fits the narrative of the story.
For the most part, the biggest appeal of D&D could be that it’s nostalgic and entertaining to be a part of. The players are allowed to be someone, and something, other than themselves. It’s playing pretend and doing things that aren’t possible in the real world, and without real-world consequences. Plus, it’s fun!