
Philippines Enters $3 Trillion Global Halal Market – LOPEZ

  The Philippine Halal Export and Development Promotion Board led by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) recently adopted the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of the Republic Act 10817 or the Philippine Halal Export Development and Promotion Act of 2016, which sets the direction of the Philippine Halal sectors and takes advantage of […]


Free Medical Examinations to Applicant and Professional Boxers – UBIAL

  The Department of Health (DOH) signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Games and Amusement Board (GAB) which aims to ensure the overall health and welfare of professional Filipino boxers. The GAB is the agency tasked to regulate and supervise the conduct of professional boxing and other contact sports in the country. As […]


The Sitio Electrification Level Would Increase to 86% by the End of 2018 – MASONGSONG

  The National Electrification Administration (NEA) proposed a total of P4.9 billion budget for 2018, majority of which shall be used to fund loans for the electric cooperatives (ECs), capital expenditure (capex) requirements, and other electrification projects. This is based on the approved National Expenditure Program (NEP) of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) […]


End-To-End, Do-It-Yourself Tax Preparation Software Firm Gets BOI Support – LOPEZ

  The Philippine Board of Investments (BOI) recently gave approval to Taxumo Inc.’s Php5 million start-up project in Bonifacio Global City as a new creative industries/knowledge-based services provider under the preferred activities of the 2017 Investment Priorities Plan (IPP). The project is the first digital startup firm approved by the BOI under the 2017 IPP […]


NEA Launches Wold Bank-Supported Web Portal and Business Intelligence System – MASONGSONG

  The National Electrification Administration (NEA) launched its new web portal and business intelligence system geared towards improving efficiency to better supervise the different electric cooperatives (ECs) across the country. NEA Administrator Edgardo Masongsong said the system, dubbed as NEA Business Intelligence Technology or NEA BIT, was a result of the collaboration between the state […]


9 MMDA Traffic Constables Commended for Arrest of Convicted Robber – LIM

  The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) acknowledged the efforts of nine traffic personnel who, during an anti-colorum operation in Quezon City, apprehended a former police officer who has been convicted of robbery. MMDA officials recognized Traffic Constables Allan Borbe, William Versosa, Ferdinand Maneja, Emma Rivera, Ramil Cancino, Mariao Cortes Jr., Augustus Sadia, Crispen Guainan, […]


NEA to Issue Show Cause Orders over Poor Service – MASONGSONG

  The National Electrification Administration (NEA) announced that it will issue show cause orders against the Palawan Electric Cooperative, Inc. (PALECO) and Oriental Mindoro Electric Cooperative, Inc. (ORMECO) for their failure to provide quality service despite repeated complaints from member-consumers. “We need to ensure that ECs are responsive and always on the lookout for the […]


Local Development Means Local Involvement – SANTOS

  With the supply of clean water and proper wastewater management becoming growing concerns in many parts of the country, a series of round table discussions (RTDs) are being organized in key areas in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao to consult local government unit (LGU) officials, local water district (LWD) executives, and other stakeholders to better […]


DTI Calls for Consumer Vigilance on Frauds and Trade Malpractices – LOPEZ

  Efficient market monitoring, surveillance, and enforcement are the primary cornerstones of a successful consumer protection policy, the country’s trade chief said. “These elements play a significant role in ensuring the proper functioning of fair and open competition, as businesses require a level-playing field to innovate and grow,” said Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) […]


DOH Launches 5K Strategy on Disaster Resilience for Health – UBIAL

  The Department of Health (DOH) launched the Kaligtasang Pangkalusugan sa Kalamidad sa Kamay ng Komunidad or “5K” strategy in Marikina City, the city chosen as the model local government unit (LGU) on disaster risk reduction and management. The 5K strategy aims to contribute to the institutionalization of disaster risk reduction and management for health […]