The House Committee on Information and Communications Technology chaired by Navotas City Representative Toby Tiangco approved with amendments the substitute bill on House bills and resolutions seeking to establish a “No Call, No Text Registration System.”
Tiangco explained that the proposed legislation would protect mobile phone subscribers from unwanted calls and texts and “encourage the adoption by marketing and sales agents of a more responsible and accountable business practice as it is imperative that the interest and privacy of mobile phone subscribers are protected, and their right and freedom to choose their transactions are upheld.”
“The proposed legislator encourages the adoption by marketing and sales agents of a more responsible and accountable business practice.”
The Committee also formed a Technical Working Group (TWG) to consolidate and study HBs 43, 2172 and 4190, which seek to eliminate the Spectrum User Fee (SUF) so that, according to the veteran legislator, telecommunications companies can offer more competitive internet plans to consumers.
AGIMAT Party-list Representative Bryan Revilla was designated to head the TWG.
“HB 43 would align the country to global best practices in wifi SUF regulation, as suggested by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) of the United Nations.”
Senior Deputy Minority Leader Paul Daza, in his explanatory note, stated that HB 43 would align the country to global best practices in wifi SUF regulation, as suggested by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) of the United Nations.
Cyber and Emerging Technologies Advisor Karla Cruz suggested that, aside from the proposed measures, the Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) radio bands and UHF frequencies be also used to provide cheaper internet services nationwide.
National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) Director Atty. Andres Castelar Jr. proposed that the panel consider simply directing the NTC to formulate a regulation to further reduce the SUF, stating that “This option is more aligned with the country’s international agreement on radio regulations and as a flexibility to keep pace with the currently changing technology utilizing radio frequencies.”