

Senator Migz Zubiri declared that developing a robust and strong local defense industry will strengthen the country’s defense posture tenfold and ultimately minimize its reliance on procuring foreign military equipment.

This was the strong message of the veteran legislator as the Senate ratified the bicameral conference committee report on the Self-Reliant Defense Posture Revitalization (SRDP) Act, which provides a framework for the establishment of a strong defense industry in the country.

Zubiri, the principal author of the measure, has long advocated for the Philippines to build up its own thriving defense industry, believing that depending on foreign allies for military procurement is unsustainable.

“We, of course, want to keep good defense partnerships with other countries, especially when it comes to new technologies in defense,” the seasoned lawmaker acknowledged.

“But its unwise to depend on them entirely. If they suddenly cannot supply us with the military vessels, equipment and ammunitions that we need, we will be left to our own devices. We have to be able to defend ourselves, and this is what we aim to accomplish with the SRDP Act,” the senator said.

The measure mandates the Department of National Defense (DND) to develop an SRDP Program, under which the government is directed to prioritize the purchase of locally made materiel.

Furthermore, under the SRDP Act, in-country defense enterprises will enjoy exemption from national internal revenue taxes, value-added tax, and customs duties on imports of capital equipment, raw materials, and other such supplies necessary in local production–granted that these supplies are not locally available.

In-country defense enterprises selling products to the DND or other government agencies are also going to be exempt from the Single Largest Completed Contract requirement, and the requirement that a product be used by at least two foreign militaries before the Philippines can procure it.

“With the bill, we want to give the local defense industry a fighting chance at growing into a robust industry.”

“With the bill, we want to give the local defense industry a fighting chance at growing into a robust industry. We want to help local producers accelerate their growth and their ability to come out with competitively priced quality material for our own use,” he said.

“This is aligned with all our efforts to support local, to support Tatak Pinoy,” Zubiri pointed out.

“Let us build our own vessels and equipment, tailored exactly to the realities of our air, land, and waters.”

“There is just the added dimension of also needing to build a credible self-defense posture. Let us build our own vessels and equipment, tailored exactly to the realities of our air, land, and waters,” he concluded.



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