

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) announced a price freeze on basic necessities in the National Capital Region (NCR) following the declaration of a state of calamity by the Metro Manila Council (MMC) due to the devastating effects of Typhoon Carina and the southwest monsoon.

“The price freeze, effective immediately, aims to protect consumers from unjust price increases during this time of crisis,” said DTI Secretary Fred Pascual.

“We are committed to ensuring that basic goods remain affordable and accessible to all affected residents.”

“We are committed to ensuring that basic goods remain affordable and accessible to all affected residents,” Pascual added.

The price freeze will be in effect during the state of calamity. 

The DTI is closely coordinating with its regional offices to monitor the situation and guarantee the availability of essential goods.

This price control includes essential goods such as rice, corn, bread, fresh vegetables, roots crops, pork, beef, poultry, eggs, milk, coffee, sugar, cooking oil, salt, laundry soap, detergent, firewood, charcoal, candles, and certain medicines classified as essential by the Department of Health.

The trade chief issued a stern warning to businesses that may attempt to exploit the situation.

“We have activated our monitoring teams to strictly enforce the price freeze.”

“We have activated our monitoring teams to strictly enforce the price freeze. Those found violating the law will face severe consequences, including imprisonment and substantial fines. We urge all establishments to comply with the price freeze and prioritize the well-being of our fellow citizens during this difficult time,” the trade head said.

“We understand the challenges faced by our kababayans in Metro Manila due to the typhoon. Rest assured that the DTI is working tirelessly to maintain price stability and safeguard the welfare of consumers,” he reassured.

The DTI, in coordination with other relevant government agencies, will closely monitor the prices of these items to ensure compliance.

Consumers are encouraged to report any overpricing or violations to the DTI Consumer Care Hotline at 1-384 or email



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