

In preparation for the opening of classes, the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) recently joined the “Brigada Eskwela” Kick- Off program of the Department of Education (DepEd) with the theme “Bayanihan Para Sa Matatag na Paaralan” led by newly-appointed Education Secretary Sonny Angara, Quezon City Mayor Joy Belmonte, and District II Representative Ralph Tulfo at the Commonwealth Elementary School and Bagong Silangan High School.

MMDA Acting Chairman Atty. Don Artes said that the constant participation of the agency in Brigada Eskwela is proof of the agency’s dedication and commitment to contribute to enhancing school facilities and creating better learning surroundings for the students.

“This activity is not just about cleaning or repairing the classrooms; it is our way of promoting unity and making a contribution in improving the quality of education.”

“The MMDA is delighted to engage in this kind of program. For us, this activity is not just about cleaning or repairing the classrooms; it is our way of promoting unity and making a contribution in improving the quality of education and providing a better and safer environment,” Artes stated.

“Participating in the Brigada Eskwela program is also our chance to foster the spirit of volunteerism or ‘bayanihan’ by working together to build a stronger and more resilient center of learning,” the MMDA chief added.

The MMDA head also expressed his support for Angara as the new head of the education department public servant as he is known for his advocacy for education, health, and social welfare.

“Through our collaborative efforts, we can ensure that we are creating a school environment that is safe, clean, and conducive to development and growth.”

“I might feel pressured but as part of my commitment to improving the Philippine education system, I believe that through our collaborative efforts, we can ensure that we are creating a school environment that is safe, clean, and conducive to development and growth. I assure all of you that I will do my very best to prioritize educational reforms that promote quality learning outcomes,” the education chief said.

The education head also shared that President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s first marching order for him was to prioritize the concerns of teachers, as “they are the heart of our educational system”.

Angara, together with Artes, Belmonte, and Tulfo, signed in the Wall of Commitment and the turnover of televisions and school supplies.

Meanwhile, MMDA personnel from different offices such as Flood Control and Sewerage Management Office, Health, Public Safety, and Environmental Protection Office, Sidewalk Clearing Operations Group, and Traffic Engineering Center conducted various activities such as declogging of drainages; painting of school façades; trimming and pruning of trees; painting of pedestrian lanes; misting or anti-dengue operations; fogging, cleaning, roof gutter declogging, repair of furniture and fixtures like doors, fences, chairs, tables, and blackboards; and posting of no smoking and no vaping signage in schools.

For her part, Belmonte expressed her gratitude to MMDA not only for its assistance in the refurbishment of the institutions but also for the agency’s unwavering support and coordination for all the projects and programs of the city.

The Brigada Eskwela program is a nationwide activity initiated by DepEd that aims to encourage “Bayanihan” in the community by creating conducive learning environments for the students.



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