If you are one of those people scratching their heads because of the swirl of problems and depressing news these days, well, maybe you are in the right article—or not. Undoubtedly, a lot has changed since the last time we have managed to step out of our houses without face shields, face masks, and the sneaky virus around. These changes have, so far, brought tons of realization and adjustments on an individual level.
Along the process, they have managed to strike a nerve or two. When they say change is never easy, we get that, sure! But maybe not this way. Not in such a way that would opt us to say “masasamang words.” Not in such a way that our lives are massively shifting – it could beat the 1912 continental drift theory. Sorry, Pangaea, you are century-old news now.
So, while we know that today’s challenges come from one source, which is the global health crisis, this is not the only thing we worry about, though. Some of us could easily swing along with the constant and seemingly never-ending lockdowns, while others struggle to make ends meet. Varying predicaments arise, and just because we are at a standstill, these obstacles would not fix themselves nor wait for you to fix them. They would still have to be dealt with because if not, chances of it ballooning into something bigger is likely to happen.
How does one get by, really?

Unlike the COVID-19 pandemic, the answer to that question is not direct and universal. When a disease looms in, the means to contain it is eventually developed. But when it comes to the problems we encounter, we often resort to doing what we know best. Sometimes, we try to use the same solution for everything. Whether by laughter or prayer, we tend to hold on to the universal solution to things even when some problems are more pressing than others. Sometimes, what works for one would not work for the other. It is the very reason why prioritizing is essential.
You could either rate your problems depending on their urgency and what matters the most, or you could simply determine which one is the easiest to fix. Whichever way you prefer, you have to do it by solely relying on your capacity and the resources you have. If you are lucky, addressing one problem might also offer solutions to your other problems.
But in any situation, choices always present themselves. It’s your choice to see it as it is, a mere problem that would give you headaches and other things associated with it, or you can see it as an opportunity to better yourself. After all, problems are there to discover new things about ourselves. What you do with those discoveries is within your discretion.
Try to look at problems from a different angle.

One of the best ways to describe solving a problem is by comparing it to surgery. Think about how doctors take their first action during an operation. They spend countless hours studying a case. They would study previous subjects and recall the paths they took before. Their sole purpose is to determine the route that offers the best outcome. They know that knowing the problem is half the battle. The other half is when they cut open and see the actual situation. Only then, they’d decide which course of action is best to take.
Maybe this is also something we could apply to the challenges we experience. When the world tries to drown us, acknowledging and classifying them is a good first step. Facing them one by one, depending on their urgency, is the next ideal step to take. The operative word right there is “facing.” No matter how difficult the situation is, take a deep breath, raise your head, and face them, no matter what.
Believe that you have everything you need to carry out any obstacles. Believe that just like every problem you have encountered in the past, this too shall pass. You are bigger than your body. When you fall, get back up. The view down there is lonely, so fix your eyes and get up.