The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) has recognized all 17 local government units (LGUs) in Metro Manila for their exceptional efforts in implementing best-practice tobacco control policies within their respective jurisdictions.
The awarding ceremony was held recently at the MMDA Auditorium in Pasig City.
MMDA Chairman Atty. Don Artes lauded the efforts made by the 17 Metro Manila LGUs in supporting the campaign against smoking, adding that their accolades reflect their strong commitment to protecting their constituents from the perils of smoking.
“I am enormously proud that all of the 17 LGUs in the metropolis are actively engaged in tobacco control with a variety of measures institutionalized within their respective areas.”
“I am enormously proud that all of the 17 LGUs in the metropolis are actively engaged in tobacco control with variety of measures institutionalized within their respective areas, conscientiously working towards sustainability and meeting the standards of the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC),” Artes said in a message read by MMDA General Manager Undersecretary Procopio Lipana.
Representatives from various NCR LGUs were present to accept the plaque of recognition.
Artes also congratulated Mandaluyong and San Juan for taking a significant milestone in further promoting public health and responsible legislation with the passage of their new local ordinances.
“Special congratulations to Mandaluyong and San Juan for they get more protection through the implementation of the new local ordinances passed.”
“Special congratulations to Mandaluyong and San Juan for they get more protection through the implementation of the new local ordinances passed following FCTC provisions,” he added.
Aside from the 17 Metro Manila LGUs, six non-government organizations were also awarded by the MMDA, which include the following: Action on Smoking and Health, Philippines (ASH Philippines); Health Justice Philippines; Metro Manila Center for Health Development, Ateneo School of Government; Social Watch Philippines; and Transcending Institutions and Communities, Inc.
ASH Philippines extended its helping hand to the MMDA in the conduct of training of trainers and enforcers.
Health Justice Philippines, meanwhile, provided legal assistance to MMDA and NCR LGUs. They also assisted in the preparation of countermeasures for the impending attack of the tobacco industry on the smoke and vape-free ordinances of each LGU.
Metro Manila Center for Health Development, an active partner in pursuing the activities of the Regional Tobacco Control Network in the region, shared technical opinions and indicators for healthy communities through the National Health Promotion Framework.
Ateneo School of Government facilitated the development of the Index for Tobacco Control Sustainability Tool, while Social Watch Philippines attended quarterly meetings where technical inputs and advocacy materials were shared.
Transcending Institutions and Communities, Inc. helped the agency in the capacity building of public information officers and tourism and youth development officers. Furthermore, they also provided training on the use of geographic information systems through their wide network.
Lipana was joined in the awarding ceremonies by Dr. Madeleine Valera, Senior Technical Adviser of Vital Strategies.